Home Visits

If your condition is such that you are physically unable to get to the surgery and need to request a home visit, please telephone the surgery before 11.00am where possible.

Please give as much information as possible to help the doctors assess the urgency of your case.

Patients eligible for a home visit

The following criteria for a home visit are based on the Department of Health ‘Eligibility Criteria for Patient Transport Services.’

You may be considered for a home visit if the following apply:

  • It would be detrimental to your condition or recovery if you were to travel to the clinic.
  • Your medical condition affects your mobility so you are unable to travel without using an ambulance i.e. unable to take a car or taxi.

Patients not usually eligible for a home visit

You will not be eligible for a home visit if you are able to go out either by taxi, private car, motorised scooter, bus or use the Access Bus to visit any of the following:

  • GP
  • shops
  • relatives
  • pick up your pension
  • hairdresser or barber
  • dentist or optician
  • phlebotomist or nurse, or
  • luncheon club.